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Aiming for Excellence: Form Four Class of 2023 Sets an Ambitious Target of A Plain 84 Points

Aiming for Excellence: Form Four Class of 2023 Sets an Ambitious Target of A Plain 84 Points

Today afternoon, the students of Moi High School Kabarak's form four class of 2023 received the news of their recent exam release with great anticipation. The results were released this afternoon, and the class was ecstatic to hear that they had performed exceedingly well. The Chief Principal, Mrs. Elishebah Cheruiyot, gave an inspirational talk, urging the students to put in all their resources and work hard towards their upcoming KCSE exams later in the year.

The form four class of 2023 has set an ambitious target of nothing less than an A plain of 84 points. The principal emphasized the importance of investing all their time and effort in preparation for this target, and she expressed her unwavering belief in them. She encouraged the students to persevere and sacrifice everything in their power to achieve their goal.

The chief Principal spoke about the great potential she sees in the students, and how each one of them is capable of achieving great success in their lives. She urged them to believe in themselves, trust their abilities, and work hard towards their dreams. She said that she has high hopes in them and that all of them will surely pass and proceed to pursue the careers of their choice.

The students left the assembly feeling inspired, encouraged, and ready to face their books with renewed vigor. The message from the principal resonated deeply with them, and they now understand the gravity of their upcoming exams. They are now determined to show the world what Moi High School Kabarak really means in the area of excellence.

Moi High School Kabarak has a long-standing reputation for academic excellence and producing top-performing students. The form four class of 2023 is determined to continue this legacy, and they are willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve their goals. Their commitment to excellence and their passion for success is truly inspiring, and it is evident that they have the potential to achieve great things in life.

The recent exam release at Moi High School Kabarak has renewed hope and determination for the form four class of 2023. The Chief Principal's inspiring talk has reminded them of the importance of hard work and sacrifice, and they are now ready to face their upcoming KCSE exams with confidence and determination. The world can expect great things from Moi High School Kabarak students, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors.

School Magazine

March 2023 Edition